Better Together Bouquet


The perfect combo! 1 dozen fresh red roses and 1 dozen of our delicious chocolate dipped strawberries with assorted toppings!

Ignite the taste buds and smell those roses, we have the best of both for your Valentine.

Comes in a beautiful glass vase with light up wrapping and a handmade Valentine card….wow, gorgeous!

Pre-order for this bouquet now as it is limited Quantity.

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The perfect combo! 1 dozen fresh red roses and 1 dozen of our delicious chocolate dipped strawberries with assorted toppings!

Ignite the taste buds and smell those roses, we have the best of both for your Valentine.

Comes in a beautiful glass vase with light up wrapping and a handmade Valentine card….wow, Just gorgeous! Pre-order for this bouquet now as it is limited Quantity.


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