Stuffed with Love Bouquet


Say “Happy Valentines Day”with this adorable soft teddy bear who hugs a twinkling light up glass vase. He guards mouthwatering strawberries, apples and pineapple dipped in milk chocolate and assorted toppings! All in one bouquet, and delightfully delicious. A perfect showstopper combo gift for your Valentine of any age.

While supplies last. Preorder. (Cell battery operated lights & balloon included)


Say “Happy Valentines Day”with this adorable soft teddy bear who hugs a twinkling light up glass vase. He guards mouthwatering strawberries, apples and pineapple dipped in milk chocolate and assorted toppings! All in one bouquet, and delightfully delicious. A perfect showstopper combo gift for your Valentine of any age.

While supplies last. Preorder. (Cell battery operated lights & balloon included)


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