Gobble Gobble Bouquet


Our newest addition to the Orchard Berry family that will bring smiles and warm hugs this Thanksgiving. A large assortment of milk chocolate and white chocolate dipped apples and strawberries as well as a cute pineapple turkey face and added balloon. The “bottom” of adorable turkey has a pineapple Fanny and is filled with plain strawberries. Not only a delicious dessert but a beautiful table centrepiece. A adorable handcrafted turkey tag will be attached (as shown).


Our newest addition to the Orchard Berry family that will bring smiles and warm hugs this Thanksgiving. A large assortment of milk chocolate and white chocolate dipped apples and strawberries as well as a cute pineapple turkey face and added balloon. The “bottom” of adorable turkey has a pineapple Fanny and is filled with plain strawberries. Not only a delicious dessert but a beautiful table centrepiece.

  • A adorable handcrafted turkey tag will be attached ( as shown)


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