Canada Day
What a great way to look forward to the healthy future of our country than with a Tasty Colourful Healthy alternative to cake!
What a great way to look forward to the healthy future of our country than with a Tasty Colourful Healthy alternative to cake!
Chocolate dipped strawberries and Apple slices were handed out by the dozen to give as a small sample of what Orchard Berry Arrangements can provide!
Kids aged 5 and up can join us in dipping, decorating and wrapping 6 delicious strawberries and add a Mother’s Day Card!
Your honesty could get your mom a hanging basket from Hole’s Greenhouses and Gardens in St. Albert and qualify you for the Grand Prize, a collection of prizes from our sponsors – including Orchard Berry Arrangments!
Oiler’s Team Spirit Strawberry Bouquet. Special order yours in time for the game!
Whether a Birthday Surprise, a Wedding Day, a Retirement Party, or simply a dinner party, we will get it to you, regardless of what the Alberta Weather Department throws at us!